Welcome Readers!!
To our blog post featuring part 1 of our Attack on Titan deck lists!
If you aren't sure what is in this set, be sure to check out our previously AOT blog post to see what the set is like, what characters are featured in the set, and also get an introduction to see what each colour within Attack on Titan has to offer :D
Link to previous blog post: Attack on Titan!
If you're all up to date or even just curious, keep reading and we hope you enjoy our own this first instalment of our AOT personal deck lists. Maybe even find inspiration to create or modify your own build!!
As mentioned in our previous Attack on Titan blog post, this set has the joys of all 4 colours to play around with: with Levi and the elite scouts in Green, Eren and Armin as main features in Yellow, Mikasa and the other recruits in Red, to the mighty Titans in Blue, you'll definitely find something to enjoy playing from this series!
All Weiss Schwarz chosen card art in this set truly brings out the iconic scenes from the anime that easily bring players and lovers of the anime together as they remember the emotions they each went through during the duration of the Season 1 of Attack on Titan.
As we have a lot to get through, I will make my explanations of my choices rather brief, otherwise this blog post will be even longer than what it is expected to be anyway, haha. Just so beginners can grasp deck-building easier, we shall be sharing mono colour deck lists; although trial decks are usually duel-colour builds, personally I found it easier in order to get used to Weiss deckbuilding, sticking with one colour makes the process a lot easier to handle in my opinion. Players who are after duel or more coloured builds, it shouldn't be too difficult to figure out what cards of each colour you'd like to use together :) so best of luck!
Let's start off by covering a mono Green build as Levi is arguably one of the main idols amongst the AOT characters:
Green - "Levi and Pals"
Now this deck list is what I played at my locals first official Weiss Schwarz tournament and I managed to get 1st place undefeated with 16 participating players. I know that doesn't sound like a lot of players, but our store is new to supplying Weiss goods and supporting a proper Weiss community so I'm pretty proud of that. As the deck title gives away, my deck revolves around Levi and his elite squad of Special Operations. As I write up my actual list, I do see that the deck is very unbalanced and I will probably change it about a fair amount. However, my winning streak helps prove that despite this, it does work.

- Special Operations Squad x3
- The Wings of Freedom x3
- Truth x2
All climaxes combo with cards used throughout the build; I figured having a climax that suits a combo at Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 gave my deck an edge and something to work towards during each Level of the game.
SOS is the typical "put a <featured colour card> in your stock and all characters gain +1 soul" until the end of turn; it has 2 soul triggers. WOF is the "every characters gets +1000 power and +1 soul" until the end of turn; it has the treasure trigger. Truth allows you to "draw a card, choose one of your characters and it gains +2000 power and +1 soul" until the end of turn; it has 2 soul triggers.

- "Violent Ripples" Levi x4
- "Member of Levi Squad" Gunther x3
- "Member of Levi Squad" Eld x3
- "No. 1 Oddball" Hange x2
- "Gentle Smile" Petra ~ 1500 power, 0 cost; [Auto] When this card becomes <reversed>, if this cards battle opponent is Lv 0 or lower, you may put the top card from your opponent's clock into their Waiting Room. If you do, put that character into your opponent's lock.
- "Overfastidious Personality" Levi ~ 4000 power, 0 cost; [Auto] when this card is placed on stage from hand, put the top two cards of your deck into the Waiting Room. If there is a Climax among those cards, <rest> this card.
- "Scout Regiment Captain" Levi ~ 2500 power, 0 cost; [Cont] If the character facing this card is Level 3 or higher, this card gets +7500 power.
Level 1s: 14

- "Member of Levi Squad" Petra x3
- "Member of Levi Squad" Oruo x3
- Biological Research x2 {event}
- "Proud Soldier" Levi x2 (or)
- "Cool Personality" Levi x2
Looking at my build, yes I have a lot of Level 1s, but for how I play it works well; especially for early game rush come Level 1. As explained in more details in the previous AOT post, HSS Levi is the main game combo - Special Operations Squad - that I really enjoy where Petra, Oruo, Gunther and Eld support and form together a very strong formation against your opponent. Biological Research is an event card with 0 cost that works well with HSS Levi and his combo characters as you look at the top four cards of your deck, choose one <Corps> character from among them, reveal and add it to your hand, then put the rest of the cards into the Waiting Room. Cool Levi is an on-place power character that gains +500 power for each of the <Corps> characters you have on stage until the end of turn. Proud Levi is just a nice vanilla unit.
- "Scout Regiment Section Commander" Hange ~ 5000 power, 0 cost; [Act][Put a card from your hand into your Waiting Room] This card gets +2500 power until the end of turn.
- "Outer Wall Research" Erwin ~ 6500 power, 1 cost; [Auto] Encore (Put a character from your hand into the Waiting room to return this character to your stage as <rested>).
Level 2s: 11

- "Frank Disposition" Hange x3
- "Lessons" x2 {event}
- "Scout Regiment Commanding Officer" Erwin x2
BTW Levi is a great Level 2 character than allows you to place him on stage from hand at Level 1 if you have four or more <Corps> characters on the field, then if all of your characters are <Corps>, he gains +1000 power continuously and all players cannot use "Backup" cards during this card's battle. Frank Hange combos with the Truth climax when that climax is placed in the climax area, you may reveal the top card of your deck and if the revealed card is a <Corps> character, all your characters gain +2000 power until the end of turn. She also gives all of your other <Corps> characters +1000 power at all times when she's on stage so a nice buff there. Lessons is another event card where you pay 1 stock to choose one of your <Corps> characters and it gains +4000 power until the end of turn. You then place the event card into your stock so you essentially get the event for free. Erwin has two skills; the first allowing him to gain +1000 power continuously if you have 5 or more cards in your stock, as well as giving him Encore [discard a character], second skill allows you to potentially get one of the stocks used to pay for him back as when he is placed on the stage by hand, you reveal the top card of your deck and if it is a Level 0 or lower character, you put it into the stock (if not, return the revealed card to its original place); another good thing about him is his 2 soul damage.
- "Cold Stare" Levi ~ 1500 power, 1 cost; [Auto] When you use this card as [Backup], put the top three cards of your deck into the Waiting Room. & [Act] Backup [Backup 3000, Level 2](1) Put this card from your hand into your Waiting Room and choose one of your characters being frontal attacked and that character gains +3000 power until the end of turn.
Level 3s: 4

This is the only Level 3 character that Green exclusively got so seeing as I wanted to concentrate on a mono Green scouts deck, "Resisting Fate" Levi is my only Level 3 in this build. He has 10000 power and costs 2 stock; having two skills to mess with: the first comboing with a climax - The Wings of Freedom - and when the climax is placed in the climax area, if RF Levi is on your centre stage, you may choose a <Corps> character in your clock and put it on any position on your stage; A very nice "healing" skills and gives you another character to fight against your opponent. His second skill can only be used once per turn but it's very powerful nevertheless; during the turn that this character is placed on stage by hand, when this card's battle opponent becomes <reversed> you may pay 3 stock, discard a <Corps> character from your hand and put another character from your stage into the Waiting Room, and if you do, you may <stand> Levi and move it to another open position on your stage meaning multiple attacks to cut down your opponent's field and Clock!
Yellow - Humanity's Answer: Eren/Armin
Now this deck list is what I run when focusing on mainly Eren and Armin cards; ratio is a little off at the moment as I decided to upload the deck list I have at the moment due to not having a playset of some cards making my ideal build more difficult to play with, but this build works just fine for me so I'm pleased about that. Some Red Mikasa cards need "Eren" in order to work but those shall be the alternative choices if you wish to make a Yellow/Red build.
Climax cards: 8

- Since That Day x3
- What We Should Focus On x2
These climaxes are chosen just because all 3 combo with character cards; allowing me to have something to do depending on the cards I have in my hand as most decks plan on doing anyway, haha. Crushing Blow gives all of your characters +1000 power and +1 soul until the end of turn; it has 1 soul trigger and the burn ability meaning if you trigger it and your opponent cancels the damage of that battle, you deal one point of damage to your opponent anyway. Since That Day is the yellow stock building climax of the booster set and also gives all of your characters +1 soul until the end of turn; it has 2 soul triggers. What We Should Focus On is the same as Crushing Blow; it has 1 soul trigger and whirlwind instead meaning when it triggers, you may choose one of your opponent's characters and return it to your opponent's hand.
Level 0s: 12

- Memories of the Past, Eren x3
- "Honor on the Battlefield" Eren x2
- "Confused Feelings" Armin x3
There isn't much special about my Level 0 line-up, but most of the time, I try to get to Level 1 as quickly as possible where my deck begins to do something worth while against my opponent. Armin Arlelt is the TD assist unit and you can <rest> him to give a "Eren" or "Mikasa" character another +500 power; to me this is the better Yellow assist card. Past Eren is a 3500 power character that cannot side attack so he is just in my build for early game power and attacks. Battlefield Eren is another TD character that gives another of your characters +1500 power when it direct attacks. It is also a Level 0 "suicider" that when it becomes <reversed>, it it's battle opponent is Level 0 or lower, you may put it into your opponent's stock, then if you do, put the bottom card of their stock into their Waiting Room. Confused Armin is a character that bonds with Past Eren by putting the top card of your deck into your Clock, allowing you to return a Past Eren from the Waiting Room, back to your hand.
- "A Chain of Tragedies" Armin ~ 1500 power, 0 cost; [Auto](2) When this card is placed on the stage from your hand, and if you pay the cost, search your deck for up to one <Corps> character, reveal it to your opponent and add it to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
- "Beyond the Walls" Eren ~ 1000 power, 0 cost; [Cont] During the turn, your other character in the middle position of the centre stage gets +1000 power. & [Act][Brainstorm][(1)[Rest] this card] Reveal four cards from the top of your deck and put them into your waiting room. For each climax revealed, search your deck for up to one <Corps> character, reveal and add them to your hand. Shuffle your deck afterwards.
- "Entrance Ceremony" Annie ~ 2500 power, 0 cost; [Cont] IF the number of cards in your stock is two or less, this card gets +1500 power.
- "104th Cadet Corps Class" Conny ~ 1500 power, 0 cost; [Cont] If you don't have a climax in your Climax Area, this card gets +1 soul until the end of turn. & [Auto](1) When damage dealt by this card is cancelled, you may pay the cost to draw 1 card.
Level 1s: 13

- "Hope in the Darkness of Despair" Eren Titan x4
- "Paving a Way for the Future" Armin x3
- "Paving a Way for the Future" Eren x3
For my Level 1 line-up, I wanted to have that early power gain hence the use of Humanity's Rage and Eren Titan. Each time one of your <Corps> characters attacks, Humanity's Rage gains +1000 power meaning he can be 9000 power before assist/boosting power. He also has a second skill based on "Crushing Blow" where you may pay 1 stock and put the top card of your deck into your clock. Then if you do, this character gains +3500 power until the end of your opponent's next turn and your opponent is not allowed to use [Encore] of any kind until the end of your turn. Eren Titan is from the trial deck and a particular enjoyable character in a Yellow featured deck as he becomes a solid 7500 power if a "Mikasa" or "Armin" is on the stage continuously; otherwise 6000 power base and costs 0 to call to the stage. Paving a Way Eren is an early game beater as he gains +500 power for each of your other <Corps> characters during your turn and also has [Encore] as you may put the top card of your deck into your clock to return him to your stage as <rested>. I don't usually like the idea of forcing damage but it's a decent way to level up if you want to get to a particular Level sooner rather than later.
Finally, Paving a Way Armin has the same Brainstorm skill as Beyond the Walls Eren, but has a supportive ability that gives your other character in the middle position of the centre stage gets +1000 power during your turn.
- "Recurring Tragedy" Eren ~ 4000 power, 0 cost; [Cont] During your turn, all of your other <Corps> characters get +1000 power. & [Act][[Rest] this card] Choose one of your character and that character gets +500 power until the end of turn.
- "Gentle Ally" Conny ~ 5000 power, 0 cost; [Cont] If the number of your other <Corps> characters is two or more, this card gets +1000 power.
- Anti-Titan Device "Omni-Directional Mobility Gear" ~ Event, 0 cost; [Backup] Search your deck for up to one <Corps> character, reveal it, put it into your hand, choose a card from your hand and put it into the waiting room. Shuffle your deck afterwards. Choose up to one of your <Corps> characters in battle and move it to an open position on your stage.
Level 2s: 11

- "Readiness" Eren x2
- "Titan's Power" x2
- "Key to Humanity's Counterattack" Eren x3
- "104th Cadet Corps Class" Annie x2
The Emblem is a brilliant event card from the Trial deck that allows you to give one of your <Corps> characters +8000 power - as explained in detail in the actual AOT blog post - which can easily allow a Level 1 or even 0 character enough power to overcome a mighty Level 3 and can also overcome any possible "backups". Titan's Power is another awesome event card that is a "backup" event that allows you to give a <Corps> character +4000 power and if that character's battle opponent becomes <reversed> you may place that character into your opponent's memory. Readiness Eren is a character that gains +4000 power and +1 soul if it is facing a Level 3 character, and also has [encore]. Key Eren is a combo card that works along side the Level 3 Titan Eren. When the climax - "What We Should Focus On" - is placed in the climax area, you may pay 1 stock and put this card into memory, and if you do, this allows you to call the Level 3 Titan Eren from your hand to the stage. This decks closest form of "Change" ability as it does allow you to call a mighty beast of a card a Level early. Finally, Annie is a nice Level 3 beater character that gains +1000 power during your turn and if you pay 1 stock and put a card from your hand into the Waiting Room when she attacks, she gives your other characters +500 power and +1 soul until the end of turn. A nice card to help you catch up on damage.
- Chimi Annie ~ 9000 power, 1 cost; Cannot side attack, but has 1 soul and 1 soul trigger.
- "Call from the Heart" Armin ~ 7500 power, 1 cost; Gains +1000 power if you have two or more <Corps> characters continuously. & When this card triggers a climax, he gains +1 soul and +4000 power until the end of turn.
- "Sudden Reinforcement" Eren Titan ~ 2500 power, 1 cost; [Backup] Level 2 backup that gives a frontal attacked character +3000 power until the end of turn.
Level 3s: 6
- "Resisting Fate" Eren x3

- "Resisting Fate" Armin x1
For my final mono yellow deck list, I decided to run these 3 particular Level 3 characters: Resisting Fate Eren is the main Level 3 in this build as he can be called to the stage at Level 2 if your opponent has a Level 3 out on his/her stage. He also gains +500 power for each of your other <Corps> characters meaning he can be a total power of 12500 power (including basic Assist characters; excluding [Act]s and can be even more with The Emblem on Their Backs, totalling at 20500!!). Furthermore, during the turn that this character is placed on stage from your hand, if you opponent cancels damage dealt by his attack, you may deal one damage to your opponent anyway, but this may also be cancelled.
Eren Titan, as explained before, works with a specific Level 2 character. This beastly titan has 12000 base power and has 3 abilities; When "Key to Humanity's Counterattack" is in your memory, he gains another +1500 power and the following ability at all times: when his battle opponent is <reversed> you force it into your opponent's memory. His second ability allows you to search for up to one <Corps> character from your deck and add it to your hand when he is placed on stage from your hand. His final ability occurs during the Encore Step; you must pay 1 stock in order to keep him on stage, otherwise you swap him with "Key to Humanity's Counterattack" in your memory and place that card in the same position as Eren Titan was in: this is a minor cost to pay to keep such a strong character on the field.

Well that's all I have to offer when it comes to building a mono Green or mono Yellow Attack on Titan deck lists. If you wish to look at Red and Blue deck lists for this series, that shall be covered in a separate blog post to avoid the post being overly long-winded. As you can see an underlying theme of each colour so far as Levi have Early/Middle game rush with Late game aggression, whereas Eren and Armin have a slow build of power as you level up throughout the game.
I hope you found this blog post interesting and it helped you figure out what characters to use in your own if you are currently building one from scratch or wondering how to upgrade the trial deck.
Hopefully this was worth the wait, and I shall see you next time Readers!!
Take Care!
Moka x x
Nice detail post BD Now for a fate post~